Great Lakes Lighthouses...that we've visited...
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Lake Michigan
Algoma Pierhead (WI) (6/18/2008)
Bailey's Harbor Front Range (WI (Door County)) (6/19/2008)
Notice the rear range light in the background to the left. |
Bailey's Harbor Rear Range (WI (Door County)) (6/19/2008)
In the fog! |
Cana Island (WI (Door County)) (06/18/2008)
Charlevoix South Pierhead (4/13/2001)
David at Charlevoix South Pierhead |
Laura at Charlevoix South Pierhead |
Chicago Harbor (IL) (9/22/2001, 2/19/2006, 4/23/2007, 5/07/2007, 6/30/2007, 9/03/2007, 10/01/2007)
Chicago Harbor Southeast Guidewall (IL) (9/22/2001, 2/19/2006, 5/07/2007, 6/30/2007, 9/03/2007)
From the Architecture River Cruise. |
From the Architecture River Cruise. |
From Navy Pier during the Taste of Chicago. |
From Navy Pier. |
From Navy Pier. |
From the Navy Pier Ferris Wheel. |
Eagle Bluff (WI (Door County)) (6/18/2008)
Frankfort North Breakwater (4/12/2001)
Grand Traverse Lighthouse (4/12/2001)
This tower light replaced Grand Traverse Lighthouse in 1972 |
Grassy Island Front Range (WI) (6/18/2008)
American White Pelican in the area of the lighthouses. |
Grassy Island Rear Range (WI) (6/18/2008)
Holland Harbor (5/18/2002, 6/27/2010)
Laura at Holland Harbor. Even for May it was quite chilly out! |
Kenosha North Pier (WI) (8/03/2001)
Kenosha (Southport) Lighthouse (WI) (8/03/2001)
Kewaunee Pierhead (WI) (7/24/2005)
Little Point Sable Light (6/24/2000)
Ludington North Pierhead Lighthouse (6/23/2000, 4/12/2001)
Manistee North Pierhead (4/12/2001)
McGulpin Point (06/26/2010)
Address for GPS: 500 Headlands Drive, Mackinaw City MI 49701
Menominee North Pier (WI) (6/18/2008)
Mystery Lighthouse (7/21/2000)
Manistique East Breakwater Light (7/21/2000)
Manning Memorial Lighthouse (4/12/2001)
(0ld) Michigan City (IN) (5/18/2002)
Michigan City East Pierhead (IN) (5/18/2002)
Milwaukee Breakwater (WI) (8/03/2001)
Milwaukee Pierhead and Milwaukee Breakwater |
Milwaukee Pierhead (WI) (8/03/2001)
Minneapolis Shoal (06/18/2008)
(as seen from Peninsula Point lighthouse)
Muskegon South Pierhead (5/18/2002)
Old Bailey's Harbor (WI (Door County)) (06/19/2008)
Old Mission Lighthouse (4/12/2001)
Laura at Old Mission Lighthouse |
David at Old Mission Lighthouse |
Old Mission Lighthouse. Other places on the 45th parallel! |
Peninsula Point (6/18/2008)
Port Washington (WI) (8/03/2001)
Racine North Breakwater (WI) (8/03/2001)
Sand Point (Escanaba) (6/18/2008)
Laura at South Haven! |
St. Helena Island (7/14/2006, 7/15/2006)
St. Helena Island
From scenic turnout on US-2. |
From Gros Cap Road |
St. Joseph North Pier (5/18/2002, 6/26/2010)
Video This is a video of the St. Joseph North Pier light in the waves! When you double click it, it SHOULD download and play. It will take a couple of minutes to download using a 56K modem. |
A freighter coming out of the channel by the lighthouse! |
Nice waves, eh??!?! |
Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal (WI (Door County)) (6/18/2008)
Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal North Pierhead (WI (Door County)) (6/18/2009)
Two Rivers North Pierhead (WI) (7/24/2005)
Two Rivers Point (Rawley Point) (WI) (7/24/2005)
Waukegan Harbor (Little Fort) (IL) (8/04/2001, 7/24/2005)
Can you see Laura at the top of the stairs? |
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