Pictures from places I've been, things I find interesting and other items...

About the pictures...

Click on the small image to see a larger version.

January 2001 to June 30, 2001

Jiffy Pop! - February 3, 2001

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It's Jiffy Pop!

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An action shot!

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It's done!

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The finished product.  Too bad I burned it :-(

Grandma's 80th Birthday Party - February 4, 2001

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Who made that nice sign?

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Talk about a Kodak moment!  Aunt Jo and Elena.

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Grandma and Reece

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Grandma and Beth


Laura's Amaryllis - February 9, 2001

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Laura's Amaryllis in bloom.

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Laura's Amaryllis in bloom, side view.

Cardinals in our back yard - February 24 and 25, 2001

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They were chasing the other birds away!

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Scoping out the food...

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Digging in...

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The female Cardinal.

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Still eating.

Snow Squall! - March 8, 2001

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A March snow squall in Michigan!

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Digging in! - March 10, 2001

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Is it lunch time?

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Nothing like getting into a good meal...

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Don't bother me, I'm busy!

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This is good stuff!

Backyard play and snack time! - April 18th and 29th, 2001

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Just playing around...

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Snack time!

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Snack time!

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Snack time!

What we saw on our Mother's Day walk in Howell, MI - May 13th, 2001

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Hey, who's takin' my picture?

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Can't you see I'm resting?

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Look closely...I think he's speaking!

Which is the REAL rabbit? - May 13, 2001

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A pointer rabbit!

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Front and Profile views!

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Which is the REAL rabbit here?

High above the clouds...from the plane on the way to North Carolina in May, 2001

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Looking out the window...

Duck families in the park, June 3, 2001

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Puddle swimming...

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Mom and the kids out for a swim...

David's 35th Birthday, June 6, 2001

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Opening presents!

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A peacock in Frankenmuth, MI

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David & Grandma in Frankenmuth, MI

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Laura, David, Grandma, Aunt Diane

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The covered bridge in Frankenmuth, MI

Downtown Rochester, MI, June 13, 2001

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A duck out for a stroll.

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Flowers near the library.

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Flowers near the library.

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Flowers near the library.

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Flowers near the library.

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Waterfall  near the library.


The Rabbit is back in the yard! - June 15, 2001

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The rabbit comes back for a snack.

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I think he's disturbed...

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Would you just leave me alone?!?

A black squirrel visits our feeder - June 17, 2001

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Just having a little snack...

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so would you just leave me alone?

Playing in traffic... June 18, 2001
This is why I always carry a digital camera with me :-)

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Caught this on the way home from work....

Howell Balloon Fest and Dad & Mom's house, June 23, 2001

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Just having some popcorn.

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Chalk art at the Balloon Fest

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Chalk art at the Balloon Fest

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Carriage Rides at the Balloon Fest

A Cardinal in the back yard, June 23, 2001

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A Cardinal in the back yard, with friends.

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A Cardinal having dinner with a friend.

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This page was last updated: Thursday, July 06, 2006 07:35:37 AM