Pictures from places I've been, things I find interesting and other items...

About the pictures...

Click on the small image to see a larger version.

July 2001 to December 31, 2001

A Groundhog in our back yard! - July 1, 2001

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A groundhog.

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A posing groundhog!

Troy's 1971 Chevelle SS - July 13, 2001

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Us on the patio! - July 28, 2001

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Our last place golf trophy in an outing at The Hawk at Partridge Creek.  We might have come in last, but at least we were honest! - August 16, 2001

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We were +6 and it rained ALL day!

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The inscription...

 The St. Louis Zoo - August 6, 2001

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Is anyone working in there??
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Bath time!
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Doesn't this look relaxing?
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Don't mess with me!
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Love birds!  See the heart??
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Long necks!
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Ahh...a nice cool drink...
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Just resting a bit.
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Who's there!?!
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On guard!
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Take time to smell the flowers...
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Just hanging out.
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I've got an itch!
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On patrol...
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Take time to smell the flowers...

The St. Louis Arch from the deck of the Casino Queen in East St. Louis, IL
August 7, 2001

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The lighting wasn't good but the picture is OK.

The St. Louis Arch and The Old Cathedral - August 8, 2001

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Profile view of the Arch
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Busch Stadium from the top of the Arch.
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The Old Courthouse from the top of the Arch.
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Inside the top of The Arch
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The Old Cathedral from the top of the Arch
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The Trans World Dome from the top of the Arch
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The Arch from near The Old Cathedral
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The Arch from near The Old Cathedral
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The Old Cathedral
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The Arch from near The Old Cathedral
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The Arch from inside The Old Cathedral
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The Arch and The Old Cathedral
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The Arch and The Old Cathedral

Bugs around the house in Sept. and Oct. 2001

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A Praying Mantis in the Maple tree in the backyard.

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A different Praying Mantis a few days later in the backyard.
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Some type of caterpillar that was in the yard waste container.

Laura's birthday present from Robin

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Cardinal's pictures!

St. Louis Trip - Anheuser-Busch Brewery Tour - September 2001

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A young Clydesdale.
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St. Louis Trip - September 2001

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Laura, Alex and Antonio
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Lester, Alex and Antonio
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Galleria Mall
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Galleria Mall
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Harry Potter art at Galleria Mall
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Laura and her Mom
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Larry, Marilyn, Helen, Mandy, Laura, Lenny
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David, Helen, Laura and BULL HORNS!

Downtown Chicago and Navy Pier - September 22, 2001

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The entrance to Navy Pier in Chicago

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Chicago Skyline from Navy Pier
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Flags at Navy Pier
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More flags...
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Flag reflection...
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Chicago Skyline from Navy Pier
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A butterfly on a flower at Navy Pier
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The Navy Pier Ferris Wheel that David won't go on!!!
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Who is that using the Navy Pier art???
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Buckingham Fountain
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The Sears Tower

Garage building project I worked on - Nov/Dec 2001
(Note: I worked on the rough in, no siding, trim, garage doors)

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Project started with 3 walls completed but needing work!

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After the walls were corrected the trusses went up.
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David's mashed thumb...OUCH!
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The facing...front and back.
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Roof and over hangs...
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The finished project!!!
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The finished project!!!

Thanksgiving at the Dickelman's - November 22, 2001

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Dad & Mom

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The Dickelman Family

Christmas at the Babb's - December 2, 2001

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The Babb's Christmas Tree

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Laura, Grandma, Jenny
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Laura & Grandma
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The Richie's
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The Dickelman's

Lunch time in our backyard! - December 5, 2001

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Chow time...

Christmas Time!!!

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Laura and Lenny

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The bean bag snowman Lenny made.
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Laura and Lenny and the snowman.
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The snowman guarding the presents.
mvc-027f.jpg (74267 bytes) Christmas Eve starts here... mvc-035f.jpg (40379 bytes)
Dad & Mom's tree
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Dad & Mom
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Jenny, Samantha & Laura
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Laura & Samantha
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The Pogo sticks!
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Laura and her tiki's!
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Erica & Amanda
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Aurora & Kevin
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Garrett & Fallon
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Kevin, Tammy, Garrett & Fallon
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Kevin & Tammy's tree
Christmas Day starts here... mvc-091f.jpg (100566 bytes)
The new bird feeder from Laura's Mom
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Or is it a squirrel feeder?
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Presents from Robin

David's box of treats!

Christmas Dinner...mmmm

Laura, Robin and the Snowman

David's LegoŽ Harry Potter Sorting Hat

David's Hagrid Ornament

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