Pictures from places I've been, things I find interesting and other items...

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May, 2004

Neighborhood duck - May 1, 2004

More pictures of the neighborhood duck - May 4, 2004
(Taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel)

Oakland University, Rochester, MI - May 4, 2004
(Taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel)

Daffodils in the neighbor's front yard - May 4, 2004
(Taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel)

Birds in Howell, MI - May 15, 2004


Yellow-shafted Flicker.

Around our yard - May 29, 2004
(Taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel)

Cool Mustang on the road... - May 29, 2004

Shrek 2 - May 29, 2004

Mystery flower - May 29, 2004

A family of geese on Elliott Ave. in Troy - May 29, 2004

Happy Memorial Day weekend! - May 30, 2004

Only in Michigan...rain, rain and more rain!  Rain followed by the Sun makes rainbows! - May 31, 2004

Look closely and you'll see TWO rainbows here and in the next 3 pictures...

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